Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I realized that this is half the Gospel right here.

I am like you. You are like me. We are like them. Saints, murderers, thieves, we are all the same. What kind of force can put us all in the same category? Surely, I am above the liar next to me or the burglar with the gun. How can we possibly be the same?

The strange thing is, we are. I am just as low, I am just as dirty, I am just as much worthy of death, as you are, as they are, as the world is.
But maybe if I try hard, maybe if I stop cursing, maybe if i stop lying, maybe if i don't do this anymore, I can rise above. but I know deep down that I will fail and fall on my knees like the rest of them.
You know what they say about those on their knees; it's the perfect position to pray.

Once our backs are tired from the burden, once the sweat on our brows pours, once our knees bleed to remind us where we are, its very easy to be the same. Because then we realize who we are. Naked, uncovered, poor, hurting. We realize that in some way or another, we truly are the same. This is the world. This is life.
It almost hurts to end a post this way, but so be it.


Mike(bsngr95) said...

wow. . . i am blown away! that was really good! its get me thinking. . .